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What is Leadership Development?

Holliday│Kenning has designed different plays for developing emerging leaders, leaders, senior leaders and executives. While all leaders have common leadership challenges, there are different perspectives of leadership distinct to each leader level. Transitioning from leading self as an individual contributor to leading teams to leading other leaders all require enhanced skills and competencies.

Our leadership development play ensures an organization can deepen the talent bench strength if there is a commitment to “grow your own” workforce. This approach is comprised of two components:

  • Advanced leadership development programs for people leaders

  • Targeted employee leadership training specifically designed for the needs of each level of leader’s next-place and in-place roles


Leadership Programs Available:

  • Emerging Leaders

  • Leaders

  • Senior Level and Executive Leaders

Emerging Leaders:

The first step is to identify the emerging leaders within the organization using the 9 Box High Performance High Leadership Potential tool.

Second, provide learning that increases self-awareness, teaches relational skills, and focuses on evidence-based leadership competencies that prepares early leaders for the shift from managing self to managing others in the future.

Components of the EMERGING LEADER program include:

  • Self-assessment to identify current areas of improvement

  • Exploring important leadership competencies for success

  • Group coaching to allow emerging leaders to grow together, connect across organizational functions, consider future scenarios and roles, and develop a leadership mindset

  • Mentoring relationships to expose high-potential leaders to other parts of the business

Examples of leadership competencies studied in the EMERGING LEADER program are:

Dealing with Ambiguity, Innovation, Self-Leadership, Presentation Skills, Time Management, and Written Communication.


Middle managers and team leaders are the layer of leadership and coordination between top strategic leadership and front-line employees. This layer is critical to organizational success. The program offers learning in practical management skills and individual topics that are important to the success of middle management.

Important questions to consider:

  • How are you developing those managers who desire to grow and aspire to leadership positions?

  • How are you helping them build the myriad of skills required now and in the future?

Recognizing that middle managers are part of the ultimate success of an organization ensures a future talent pipeline exists. Our program for middle managers provides the skills needed to succeed. The program includes:

  • 360-degree assessments to identify areas of improvement and how they lead others

  • Leadership and management competencies for effectiveness as a manager

  • Action learning to practice solving high-level, complex, real-world issues

  • Learning the role of a coach or mentor for emerging, high-potential leaders

  • Mastering the art of interpersonal relationship building with diversity and inclusion

Examples of leadership competencies studied in the Leader program are:

Conflict Management, Decision Quality, Diversity and Inclusion, Building Effective Teams, Effective Communication, Change Leadership, and Collaboration.

senior level and Executive Leaders:

As leaders rise to enterprise-wide senior-level and executive roles, the complexity of what success looks like increases as well. Top level leaders are expected to strategically manage as a whole and/or specific business units, no longer just managing groups of leaders. These leaders are expected to act as forward-looking visionaries, driving action through others. The program includes:

  • Individual executive coaching to discuss complex business issues and development goals

  • Executive team coaching to increase team cohesion and ability to identify a shared vision

  • 360-degree assessments to identify areas of improvement and how they lead others for organizational success

  • Executive leadership competency development to build business acumen and critical industry-specific skills

Examples of leadership competencies studied in the Senior level and executive program are:

Composure, Integrity and Trust, Emotional Intelligence, Drive for Results, Negotiating, Innovation, Systems-Thinking, Political Savvy and Organizational Agility.

Use this Play to:

  • Grow Leaders at all levels

  • Create leadership depth for talent preparedness

Delivery Methods for Play #3:

  • Speaking Engagements

  • Retreats

  • Workshops and Group Facilitation

  • Leadership Programs at all levels

  • Assessments for Personal Discovery


  • Developing People with Assessments:

  • Total SDI Assessment - Strengths Deployment Inventory

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Assessment

  • DISC Assessment

  • The ABCs of XYZs: Managing Generational Expectations

  • Innovative Solutions for Today’s Fluid and Competitive Talent Hunt

  • Embracing the New Paradigm of Engagement

  • The Art of the Consultative Approach

  • How Government Organizations Can Attract Top Talent

  • Overcoming the Top 5 Blunders in Talent Retention

Using the LPL model in leadership development, organizations create a culture of talent preparedness.

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